
Two executive positions available on Board of Directors

With the recent approval of the new Badminton Alberta bylaws (Service Alberta approved August 5, 2020), two executive positions on the Board of Directors are open for nomination.

The Badminton Alberta Board of Directors will consist of four Executive Committee members and eight Regional Directors. Of the four Executive Committee members, the President and the Treasurer will be elected at the Annual General Meetings held within odd numbered fiscal years, while the Vice President and Secretary will be elected at alternate Annual General Meetings held for even numbered fiscal years.

Any nomination of an individual for election as the Vice President and Secretary will:

a) Include the written consent of the nominee by signed or electronic signature;

b) Include a cover letter and resume of the nominee;

c) Include the endorsement of two (2) Active Members in writing by signed or electronic signature;

d) Be submitted to the Registered Office of the Association at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. This timeline may be extended by Ordinary Resolution of the Board.

Incumbents – The current Vice President and Secretary wishing to be re-elected are not subject to nomination but must notify the Association of their interest in re-election at least sixty (60) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Ballots shall be provided to members at least 30 days prior to the date of the annual general meeting at which the directors are to take office. Ballots shall be returned to the scrutineer appointed by the board of directors not less than five (5) days prior to the date of the annual general meeting, and the names of the successful candidates shall be announced at the annual general meeting.

Elections for Vice President and Secretary will be decided by majority vote of the Members in accordance with the following:

a) One Valid Nomination – Winner declared by acclamation.

b) Two or More Valid Nominations – The nominee(s) receiving the greatest number of votes will be elected.

c) In the case of an equality of vote for election to the Board, the scrutineer will decide the tie by a toss of the coin.

Directors shall take office immediately following the annual general meeting at which their election is announced and shall remain in office for a term of two years concluding with the annual general meeting.




The Board and Directors shall:

a) Attend general meetings and meetings of the Board;

b) Serve as chairpersons of Association committees;

c) Participate in the annual planning process, preparation of the Association profile and development plan;

d) Ensure that the affairs of the Association are managed in accordance with the Bylaws, Rules and Policies of the Association;

e) Act reasonably, honestly and in good faith, and as such, may suspend, restrict privilege of or terminate membership of any Member;

f) Represent the interests of all participants in the badminton community in the province;

g) Represent the particular interests of their own zone association. Each of the eight (8) zones comprising the Association is represented by at least one Director whose responsibilities are to ensure that the officers of their zone association are fully informed of Badminton Alberta activities; and to ensure that their zone association is working in cooperation with Badminton Alberta to promote activities of mutual interest, to include:

i) organizing teams to represent their zone in provincial team competitions;

ii) promoting provincial programs such as Sport Outreach and School Exhibitions;

iii) maintaining communication with clubs and players within the zone for the purpose of promoting both zone and provincial events;

iv) assist in the ongoing development and organization of a zone association.

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