The Locker - Coach Certification Database
The Locker
The Locker is Coaches Association of Canada's (CAC) online database of every coach that has gone through the National Coaches Certification Program (NCCP). Organizations use the Locker to confirm coaching certification and coaches use it as a record of their certification and to access online courses such as the Making Ethical Decisions modules.
The Locker Status
Coaches will have one of three certification statuses for each certification in your Locker transcript:
- In-Training: Have not completed all the modules
- Trained: Have completed all modules but not passed/done evaluation
- Certified: Has completed all modules and passed evaluation
Creating an Account
To create an account, simply click on the link above and it will take you to a screen like this:

If you have taken an NCCP course before, use the "Lookup my NCCP#" and type in your email to get your NCCP#
If you have never taken an NCCP course, go to the bottom and click on the link to create one by following the prompts.